Wednesday, October 23, 2013

21 Things I Learned in my 21st Year

Hello friends, since yesterday was my first birthday as a girl with a blog, I've decided to start a tradition. I'm going to share some of the wisdom, lessons, and other things I learned in that year of life. Luckily for you, I made tons of mistakes and learned a lot in my twenty-first year. This subject will get much harder to write about and be much more boring to read when I'm twenty-five, perfect, and already know everything that there is to know about life. So for now, enjoy.

1. I've learned that Netflix is a good investment for any single person. In those rare instances that I'm feeling lonely, all I have to do is turn on Sons of Anarchy and it's like Charlie Hunnam is my boyfriend. Other seasons I completed this year: New Girl, Orange is The New Black, Game of Thrones, Girls, and Freaks and Geeks. (Stop judgin')
2. I've learned that confidence has little to do with your current weight/shape and a lot more to do with what you're doing to improve. I can tell you the best I've felt this whole year was maybe two pounds less than the worst I've felt all year, and in reality I only felt so poorly because of the lack of exercise I was doing and the junk I was putting into my body. I know I should be treating my body as a temple, and when I do I feel like a million bucks.
3. I've learned that living with a boyfriend is really fun until it isn't anymore, and I won't be making that mistake again. Future suitors: if you want to be my roomie, put a ring on it.
4. However, I've also learned that living with friends is AMAZING. Whatever idiot said that living with friends is a mistake must not have had as great of friends as I do. I have loved every second of living with several of my best friends this year.
5. I've learned that your real best friends really do remain your best friends wherever you go. I moved across the country this year and was so afraid of losing contact, but my relationships with the people I love back home are just as strong now if not even stronger.
6. I've learned that you cannot turn an all-natural labor into a party, even if you make a great playlist. Having a baby is not fun and even your best friend will not laugh at your jokes mid-contraction.
7. I've learned that being able to drink does not make you an adult. In fact, being an adult has nothing to do with your age and much more to do with taking responsibility of your own actions and accepting the consequences gracefully.
8. I've learned that I am capable of doing a lot more than I ever would have thought. I put a lot of limitations on myself and told myself that I can't do things just because there's so much that I've never tried.
9. I've learned that there's no reason to stay in a relationship where you are merely tolerated, and to never settle for a relationship unless there you are truly valued and celebrated. (In the next post I will elaborate on this.)
10. I've learned that my parents (never had so much trouble typing anything in my life) probably do know best. About almost everything. The older I get the better their advice has gotten. 
11. I've learned that just because the shots are free DOES NOT mean that you should take them. 
12. Also, just because the cop is cute, does not mean you should flirt with him. 
13. Also, the cute cop won't care that the reason you were going 20 miles over the speed limit was because you had to use the ladies room.
14. I've learned that even the most severe cases of baby fever can be remedied by living with your newborn niece.
15. I've learned the importance of finding a church that you really love. It makes all the difference.
16. I've learned that leopard print loafers and a pair of brown riding boots are all the shoes you'll really need to get through winter. Unless you're an idiot and move to Chicago and then you might also need snow boots.
17. I've learned that working in a club is not nearly as glamorous as it looks. In fact, it's very icky.
18. I've learned that no matter how wonderful my friends are or my boyfriend is- if I have the flu I just want my Mommy. And I think I always will.
19. I've learned that while you absolutely have the right to your own opinion, you do not automatically have the right to always speak it. I've learned that there is wisdom in keeping your opinions to yourself.  And if your friend wants a critique on their relationship-they'll ask for one. Chances are you're probably less of an expert than you think anyway.
20. I've learned how to beatbox proficiently. I've learned how fun it is to keep learning new and useless things. 
21. I've learned that change is good and it's a lot better when you believe that Someone that loves you is watching out for you. It's much easier to be at peace with your decisions when you know that you can't stray from the path that is set for you.

So that's it. Here's to the twenty-two thousand things I'll learn in my twenty-second year of life.