Monday, August 12, 2013

Foolproof Way to Know if a Man Likes You

I kid you not, ladies. I have the answer to the question that women have been asking for thousands of years. This is the end to the wondering, the text message analyzing, the over-thinking, and the disappointment that inevitably comes when you misread the signs. You don't have to dissect his body language, ask him, or (God forbid) ask his friends.

The absolutely foolproof way of knowing if a man likes you is....

(drum roll, please)


Now please take note. I did not title this post The Foolproof Way to Know if a BOY likes you, or even a guy. I'm talking about a man. A REAL man. And, really, who wants to settle for anything less?

Once, I was talking to my ever-so-wise sister-in-law about a guy that I liked, which I do all the time despite the fact that I usually write off her advice because she met the love of her life when she was sixteen that she has no idea what being single really feels like. Anyway, I was doing my usual over-analyzing, and I said "Stephanie, I just can't figure out what he's thinking."
And much to my surprise my brilliant sister-in-law replied "Don't think about what he is thinking, it only matters what he is saying."

This was truly a revolutionary thought to me, considering I have read every article ever written on decoding the signals to know if the guy really liked you. I considered myself an expert on the subject and often advised my friends with my plethora of knowledge. I even told myself, "You have two brothers, Kaitie, you understand men better than most girls." But if this was the case, why was I so often feeling disappointed when things didn't go the way that I'd thought that they would?

The best advice I can give to any woman or girl is to wait to be pursued. You are worth it. You are worth a man risking making a fool out of himself for a chance to be with you. You are worth being told how lovely you are, and how lucky he would be to have you. You deserve to be swept off of your feet. You are a princess, and you deserve a freaking prince!

In the Bible (Genesis, to be precise) a man named Jacob fell in love with a beautiful woman named Rachel. After knowing her for a very short amount of time he approached her father to make a deal, so that he could have her hand in marriage. Her father allowed him to work for SEVEN YEARS to be eligible to marry his lovely daughter. And after seven years of labor, the day finally came when Jacob was allowed to wed his bride. Much to his surprise, his soon to be father-in-law tricked him into marrying Rachel's sister, Leah with the use of a very heavy veil. Unfortunately for Leah, Jacob's love remained with Rachel, and so he agreed to work ANOTHER SEVEN YEARS for the privilege of marrying the one that he truly loved. Now tell me, if Jacob was willing to not only wait, but work for fourteen years for one girl, why can't we hold men to the standard of taking us out on a date to somewhere other than burger king and letting us know of their intentions? Answer: We can.

Knowing this, when you are faced with the option of either pursuing a man that you like, stressing out over whether or not he likes you, or just leaving it alone, go with the latter. If he is not making his intentions known, there are likely only two options.
1. He doesn't like you the way that you like him. It's that simple. And truthfully, it's not a big deal because it simply means it was not meant to be. It doesn't mean that there is something wrong with you or that you messed up your chances. It only means he isn't the one. Or...
2. He isn't bold enough to tell you. If he wants to play mind games, keep his options open, or doesn't have the courage to relieve you of your doubts, than he is not the one for you (at the very least, for right now.)

The sole purpose of this blog, Single Girls, is to allow you the opportunity to rest. If you enjoy the drama, then by all means continue to stalk his facebook and instagram to see if he puts up pictures with any other girl, memorize his schedule and try to run into him at random places (mastered this in the hallways in high school) ask your girlfriends what they think about what he said to you about how babies are cute that one time, or stare at the phone all day waiting for a text. As for me, I'm going to take a nap.

1 comment:

  1. Wisdom comes with age...and a whole mess of choices to consider.
    LOVE you!
